T hree years ago, nude pictures of me made the rounds online. There were two and they had been taken in my bathroom several months earlier. One showed my stomach and my bare chest and the other was a long mirror shot of me topless, with my face on full display. I was even smiling — a gesture made for the eyes of my then long-distance boyfriend, to whom I had sent them via Facebook. But you never think it could happen to you.
Your Easy-access EZA account allows those in your organization to download content for the following uses:. It overrides the standard online composite license for still images and video on the Getty Images website. The EZA account is not a license. In order to finalize your project with the material you downloaded from your EZA account, you need to secure a license.
Since the introduction of the internet and smartphones, our lives have never been the same. They have completely changed the way we date, and the way we communicate. It has never been easier to stay in touch with your family, your friends, and yes…. When do we ever leave the home without it? Long gone are the days of purchasing film and photo developing.