Got a few pics today for the Heat v. Buck play off game Took the boys over to watch the Washington vs. Musselman Regional Game Pistons basketball game!!! Martinsburg Bulldog Cheerpolooza Cheer Competition pictures are up
Semester 2 Candid Photos | H.C. Wilcox Technical High School
With the advent of the digital camera, mobile phones and social networking, the world is now drowning in photographic imagery. This raises the question: Can photography survive as an art form in a world where it is ubiquitous? Rather than seeking to differentiate herself from the Instagram generation by developing technically difficult or artsy photography, Ume embraces the photography of the people, focusing on friends, family, and strangers encountered in everyday situations. However, the innocence of the pictures is maintained by humor and indeed stupidity, which circumvents any creepy vibe. This element of increased self-awareness of the photographic act is strongly evident, and is the culmination of a number of trends in Japan dating back to the s. At that time the purikura photo-sticker craze and the advent of cheap disposable cameras presaged the Instagram era we now live in.