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Jock itch tinea cruris is a fungal infection that results from staying in sweat-soaked clothing too long. Fungus thrives in damp, warm locations with little light— and the groin often has all of these conditions. Technically, jock itch is a ringworm infection found in the groin and on the thighs, as opposed to tinea corporis, which is the ringworm infection that it typically found elsewhere on the body. Ringworm is not a worm at all, as stated above, it is a fungal infection.
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Genital rash: Causes, pictures, symptoms, and treatment

A genital rash is a skin symptom that can be caused by a number of health problems and can occur on any part of the male or female genital area. Rashes are normally reddish in color, may be painful or itchy, and may include bumps or sores. There are many possible causes for a genital rash, ranging from infections that are treatable to sexually transmitted infections STIs , allergies , and autoimmune disorders. The doctor will look at the features of the rash, including any lesions or warts.
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How to Treat Jock Itch, Once and for All

A man's moist groin area, with its sweat and piss residue and deep crevices, can take on a musty aroma redolent of testosterone-fueled manpower. For many, that smell may be quite pleasant, appealing even note: pheromones. But sometimes a dick goes from smelling like musky man to hot summer garbage—rotten, like fish sauce meets dirty diaper. That acrid smell could be an indicator of a male yeast infection. Yes, men get yeast infections too.
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If you notice an itchy rash on your penis, you could have scabies. Microscopic mites called Sarcoptes scabiei cause scabies. Scabies on the penis can cause intense itchiness in your genital area along with tiny, raised pimple-like bumps on and around your penis and scrotum. A scabies rash begins to appear four to six weeks after becoming infested with these tiny mites.
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