Tiny penis head

Finding bumps on the head of your penis can be alarming, but most of the time bumps in this area are not serious. Tyson glands are tiny sebaceous glands that form on either side of the frenulum, which is the fold of connective tissue under the penis. They appear as small yellow or white bumps under the penis head. Fordyce spots are small yellowish or white bumps on the penis head, shaft, or foreskin.
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Spots on the penis: symptoms, causes and when to worry

Lumps on the penis are a common occurrence, affecting most males at some point. The majority of lumps are not a cause for concern, as they are typically pimples or harmless growths. However, a lump on the penis can result from a sexually transmitted infection STI. And in rare cases, penis lumps can be cancerous.
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Back to Men's health. If you're worried, see your GP or visit a local sexual health clinic. These are small flesh-coloured lumps normally found on the head of the penis.
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Found a suspicious spot on your penis and starting to freak out? Don't stress! Just like the rest of your body, it is perfectly normal to occasionally get spots on your genitals. Our resident pharmacist Rita Ghelani looks at the symptoms of the different types of penile spots, so you will know when to chill out and when to hotfoot it to the GP.
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