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I’d Rather Pee Myself: A Story About When You Really Can’t Hold It
Couldn't Hold my Pee Anymore -
This Week's Question: This is embarrassing to discuss with anyone so I thought I'd write to you about it. I'm having bladder-control problems. What can I do? About 10 percent of men and women over the age of 65 have trouble with bladder control, also know officially as urinary incontinence.
Are you experiencing any of these issues? Then you could be suffering from one of the following conditions:. Occurs when the muscles in the pelvic floor, under sudden, increased pressure stress , are too weak to hold the urethral sphincters closed. This results in an involuntary leakage of urine during everyday activities such as sneezing, coughing, laughing or exercising.
Oct 25, 1. Sep 18, Houston. Inspired by steveksux' nightmare pee post in the "biggest idiot" thread. I know everyone here has been in a situation where they just had to go so bad they couldn't walk. Whether you couldn't find a place to go or the place was too foul.