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Marc Garnick, M. Two relatively large studies of this question, reported in and , yielded good news for sexually active men: high ejaculation frequency seemed to protect against prostate cancer. Ejaculations included sexual intercourse, nocturnal emissions, and masturbation. Study participants also provided comprehensive health and lifestyle data every two years from to
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A Guide to Prostate Massage

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Prostate Massage Health Benefits ​- Male G-Spot Orgasms

But how much do you really know about this walnut-sized gland? Could you locate your prostate? And did you know it could add a new dimension your sex life with orgasmic prostate massages? How do you use a prostate massager? About three inches in, to be precise. The prostate promotes fertility, ensures regular and controlled peeing and, if stimulated correctly, offers a source of sexual satisfaction that most men can only dream of.
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Prostate massage

Prostate massage is the massage or stimulation of the male prostate gland for medical purposes or sexual stimulation. The prostate takes part in the sexual response cycle , and is essential for the production of semen. Due to its proximity to the anterior rectal wall, it can be stimulated from the anterior wall of the rectum or externally via the perineum.
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Prostate massage is a self-help technique that may benefit prostate health but one that few men actually consider or feel comfortable performing. Although some people will tell you that it helps "clear toxins" from the prostate, the aim of the massage is to stimulate the prostatic ducts to release excess seminal fluid the fluid that mixes with sperm to create semen. There are few studies that strongly support the use of prostate massage for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH or other prostatic conditions. Prostate massage can also be used as a form of sexual stimulation, either performed on oneself or by a partner. The prostate is a donut-shaped gland located between the bladder and the root of the penis.
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