You have most likely encountered one-sided objects hundreds of times in your daily life — like the universal symbol for recycling, found printed on the backs of aluminum cans and plastic bottles. This mathematical object is called a Mobius strip. Another mathematician named Listing actually described it a few months earlier, but did not publish his work until The concept of a one-sided object inspired artists like Dutch graphic designer M. For instance, try taking a pair of scissors and cutting the strip in half along the line you just drew.
What are we learning? – Shannon Heniff – Decker Prairie Elementary
Week of Sept. Math: We have begun our place value unit up to 6 digit numbers. We will be composing, decomposing, and representing numbers up to , Science: We are learning about Science Safety and Science tools.
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Over the years I have taught a wide variety of subjects to a broad age group from kindergarten to senior citizens. At this time I am tutoring in a homework help program for kids K My teaching style is "Hands On". I love the challenge of finding new ways to help students "get it" using available resources in different ways. Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials.