Error: This is required. Error: Not a valid value. Injuries to the anal region are often caused by changes in bowel function like diarrhoea or constipation. These can cause pain and irritation, damage the skin around the anus and sometimes lead to bright red blood spotting on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. Sometimes the muscles in and around the anal region go into spasm, and this can lead to a tightening of the sphincter that makes passing stool painful.
As more couples explore this type of sex, understanding the risks, rewards, and proper strategy is important. According to the Centers for Disease Control CDC , anal sex is primarily growing in popularity with couples under age You might think of anal sex as anal penetration with a penis, but you have a few more options. Anal sex can also be performed with fingers or the tongue. Sex toys , like vibrators , dildos , and butt plugs , are used too.
There is nothing normal about bleeding with anal intercourse. While it may be common, it is not normal. Last night, I stopped by the podcast GayTalk 2. Nick Bussett , one of the hosts, confessed of regular bleeding during anal play and it made me realize that many of us are either in denial of a potential problem or has simply accepted this as normal. That said, yes, there can be the one-off spot of blood from the trauma of douching or anal penetration since rectal tissue is more sensitive, but it should not be something that happens frequently.
Or you wipe up after bottoming and you see blood on the towel. Bleeding and pain can be symptoms of something minor like hemorrhoids to something more serious like lymphogranuloma venereum LGV. Q : Thanks for answering my questions, Pierre! What are some reasons a person might bleed from their butt? Pierre: You can bleed for a lot of different reasons.