What makes the perfect sex scene? The pure eroticism? Its emotional undercurrents? The shift and flow of the camera? Our concept of how sex should work on film speaks to so many variants: what personally gets us hot under the collar, whether we seek the fantastic or the realist, or how these films should tie in emotionally with the rest of the film.
Try is the operative word. Cecilia and Robbie— her in that green dress , he in that black tux—consummate their love for one another, pinned against a stack of books. Watch the full movie. This sex scene has no penetration or nudity.
The state of queer sex scenes in movies is a little bleak. Not only are our queer and trans characters always played by straight and cis actors, but they are often scrubbed clean of sexual particularities, kinky proclivities, personalities, real bodies, brown bodies, and a whole other mess of missing things. Anyway, enough about those movies.
Listen, there's absolutely no shame in enjoying movie sex scenes. Whether you're into the romance-in-the-rain vibes of Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling in The Notebook or something a little more domineering, like Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson 's relationship in the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy, there's a little something for everyone. Even better, most of these movies are about way more than their super-sexy moments, so there's no reason to fast-forward to those scenes not that there's anything wrong with that. But you might just enjoy the plots too. So without further ado, here they are: the best movie sex scenes of all time.