Yes, we all know that Carrie ends up with Mr. Big, as the Sex and the City movie and its dire sequel made abundantly clear, but are we really happy about it? I mean, yes, the man is rich and likes to go to Paris and bought her a penthouse apartment with a closet clothing room—but he's also a jerk who chickened out on their wedding day, has a pattern of gas-lighting her feelings when she's upset, has cheated on a partner with Carrie, but that's still quite naughty , and bought her said penthouse without consulting her first. She's a successful columnist who has an overstuffed wardrobe of designer couture—is a little partnership in buying a place to live too much to ask of a movie released in ? Is it too much to question if a hot fling during her ruined-Mexican-honeymoon-turned-girls-trip was what Carrie really needed instead?
'Sex and the City' author reveals surprising reason Carrie had to end up with Mr. Big
This Is the Perturbing Reason Carrie Wound Up With Big in 'Sex and the City' | Glamour
As we all know, despite every indication that Mr. Big was an emotionally unavailable commitment-phobe and that Aidan was the sweetest, most perfect guy ever , Carrie Bradshaw still somehow ends up with John James Preston at the close of the hit HBO show—a bittersweet if not frustrating moment for us all. The independent single girl whose wardrobe we lusted after and whose struggles we related to abandons her single life, ignores the red flags, and gets back together with the guy who's been the source of endless heartache and game-playing for the better part of a decade. And yet, we're supposed to be happy for her questionable relationship choice and trust it'll all work out because, you know, happily ever after? Watch the final scene here.
Why Carrie and Mr. Big Were Never Supposed to End Up Together
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What better way to help kick-off Couples Week than by honoring one of TV's most famous lovebirds? Even if you never became obsessed with the late '90s HBO series Sex and the City when it originally aired, chances are you've caught an episode or two on the small screen throughout the years, and are at least slightly aware of the epic and popular love story between Carrie Bradshaw Sarah Jessica Parker and Mr. Big Chris Noth. The plus year roller coaster romance constantly left fans at the edge of their seat throughout the seasons, wondering if the pair would ever ultimately end up together, or if the obstacles that came in their way were too strong to overcome. And whether or not you were Team Big, you couldn't deny that there were some moments between him and Carrie that just gave you the feels.