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To content To menu To search. Thanks for sharing. You certainly have some agreeable opinions and views. Your blog provides a fresh look at the subject. Mark I know what your saying there. In the current economy its difficult to find a job that pays good enough to live on and is consistent. I have found that if you just work hard and are consistent you can succeed.

All The Donna Smut~
Slang, like everything else, changes much in the course of time; and though but fifteen years have elapsed since this Dictionary was first introduced to the public, alterations have since then been many and frequent in the subject of which it treats. For though the vulgar use of the word Slang applies to those words only which are used by the dangerous classes and the lowest grades of society, the term has in reality, and should have—as every one who has ever studied the subject knows—a much wider significance. Bearing this in mind, the original publisher of this Dictionary lost no opportunity [vi] of obtaining information of a useful kind, which could hardly find place in any other book of reference, with the intention of eventually bringing out an entirely new edition, in which all former errors should be corrected and all fresh meanings and new words find a place. His intention always was to give those words which are familiar to all conversant with our colloquialisms and locutions, but which have hitherto been connected with an unwritten tongue, a local habitation, and to produce a book which, in its way, would be as useful to students of philology, as well as to lovers of human nature in all its phases, as any standard work in the English language. The squeamishness which tries to ignore the existence of slang fails signally, for not only in the streets and the prisons, but at the bar, on the bench, in the pulpit, and in the Houses of Parliament, does slang make itself heard, and, as the shortest and safest means to an end, understood too.

This is a Regarding Mrs. Smith prequel mainly because I originally thought it would be a part of that story and it got a little out of hand and has been distracting me while I try to finish it. I don't own those, but I borrowed some stuff from Moffatt. Anyway, enjoy.