Despite the fact that the world is always presumed as advanced and tolerant, there are certain practices that are still considered a no-no. A woman will also suffer the same fate if she is discovered to have a boyfriend besides having a husband. That aside, it is important to note that whether wife sharing is a taboo or not, people will continue doing it. And why is that? People cheat or sneak around because they might not be happy in their marriages or are just in need of some thrill or self-discovery. But with wife sharing, couples can get to enjoy these thrills without having to bear the guilt.
Men explain why they like ‘cuckolding’ – watching their partner have sex with someone else
Men explain why they like 'cuckolding' - watching their partner have sex with someone else
June 1, pm Updated June 1, pm. Not for so-called Stags, though. These guys get their rocks off watching their wife or girlfriend having sex with other dudes. The Stag either joins in or watches as a voyeur.
I Have Sex With Men And My Husband Watches (And It's Made Our Marriage Stronger)
Couples who believe wife sharing is caring. Photo: iStock Source:Whimn. Not for Stags though. These guys get their rocks off watching their wife or girlfriend having sex with other dudes. The Stag either joins in, or watches as a voyeur.
The benefits of my cuckolding relationship have exceeded my wildest imaginations. I give myself a once over in the bathroom mirror. I remove the smudges of red lipstick from my mouth, straighten my hair and pat down my corset. I glance at myself from the back.