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Sex positions are like coffee orders—everyone likes something a little different, but there are a few standbys that are just complete winners every time we're looking at you, pumpkin spiced latte. So to figure out what guys are typically craving in bed, we surveyed some Men's Health readers about what they love, what they want more of, and what they're hoping for on a special occasion. Check out the results below, plus quotes from these guys to further explain their answers:. Most men chose this primal move as the top contender.
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These Are The Top 9 Sex Positions, According To Both Men And Women

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This is Britain's favourite sex position and it's the same for both men and women

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What Each Sex Position Feels Like for Guys

And good news: They love cunnilingus. Then I make sure that my enthusiasm for eating her out shows while I'm doing it. As long as she's OK with it, it seems to enhance just about everything we do. Plus, it's super dirty, which is a turn-on.
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I've yet to meet a guy who's as enthusiastic about bite-size snacks and Balmainia as I am. Likewise, my guy friends lament their inability to find a girl who can keep up with excessive video game talk. Sexual pleasure is extremely unique to the individual, regardless of their gender identity.
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