Bleeding after sex can be caused by menopausal side effects or it can be the sign of a more serious condition that will require medical attention. Vaginal bleeding after sex is also called postcoital bleeding and can be caused by:. Vaginal bleeding during sex can be caused by many of the same things that can cause bleeding after sex. These include infection, vaginal trauma due to dryness, cervical polyps, menopause, and cancer.
3 Times When Spotting During Pregnancy Could Signal a Problem
Vaginal Bleeding After Sex and Bleeding During Sex: Causes and Risk Factors
Did you notice some bleeding or spotting after pregnancy sex? Find out the possible causes, and learn when to see a doctor. Pregnancy sex has a host of benefits, ranging from lowered blood pressure to increased intimacy in your relationship. But what if you have a romantic night with your partner and notice some blood on the toilet paper afterwards? The panic will probably set in immediately: What happened?
Spotting during pregnancy —as in bleeding from your vagina when you're most definitely not on your period because, hello, you're pregnant—can be a perplexing issue. Sorry to break it to you, but spotting during pregnancy is a thing. Dweck says. But when is spotting during pregnancy a sign of a possible problem? Here's what experts want you to understand about spotting during pregnancy.
Back to Your pregnancy and baby guide. In early pregnancy, you might get some harmless light bleeding, called "spotting". This is when the developing embryo plants itself in the wall of your womb. This type of bleeding often happens around the time your period would have been due. Pregnancy can cause changes to the cervix, and this may sometimes cause bleeding — after sex, for example.