Suarez, A. At coitus, human sperm are deposited into the anterior vagina, where, to avoid vaginal acid and immune responses, they quickly contact cervical mucus and enter the cervix. Cervical mucus filters out sperm with poor morphology and motility and as such only a minority of ejaculated sperm actually enter the cervix. In the uterus, muscular contractions may enhance passage of sperm through the uterine cavity.
Insights into the role of cervical mucus and vaginal pH in unexplained infertility
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Australian Women's Weekly. Medical science proves beyond doubt that a baby's gender is determined by the father. So why is the idea of natural gender selection gaining ground? Rosalind Scutt investigates
When your body works, it works. When was the last time you thought about your sperm? The goal of this guide is to provide a more technical explanation of what exactly sperm is, how it works, and how the sperm freezing process works. Sperm cells are haploid, which means they carry half the amount of chromosomes that typical somatic non-sex cells do. A refresher from biology class — chromosomes are made up of DNA, which carries our genetic information.