It started because of a photo shoot where me and my twin sister were asked to take off our tops and knickers for an adult magazine. But although she always took precautions regarding her safety, but was once caught out by a man who spiked her drink. I thought I was going to die. I used to see four to five clients a day. You do get idiot clients who come in drunk.
'I turned to sex work because Universal Credit left me with £50 to live on'
MASH | Manchester Action on Street Health
It is an exploration of the experiences of our volunteers. Check our weekly timetable for our latest events and clinic dates. We offer regular drop-in sessions, sexual health clinics, counselling, and even just a friendly face to talk to when you need it. We have advice on lots of areas surrounding sex work.
One charity supporting female sex workers say the situation for many women is tougher than ever before, with some seeing their benefits being heavily sanctioned each month. And they believe that the cases they know of women pushed into prostitution by benefits reform may only be the tip of the iceberg. One woman told charity workers that she sat at home deliberating before deciding that sex work was her only option to make some cash. MASH workers say they are also seeing an increase in rough sleeping and drug and alcohol use with vulnerable women involved in on-street sex work in Manchester, reports the Manchester Evening News.
Former sex worker Zayna Ellemore has been volunteering at the charity shop in Manchester for two years. Zayna Ellemore, 32, allegedly sneaked clients into and charging them for sex right while working as a volunteer at the shop. The former sex worker had promised Oxfam chiefs she had quit the industry when she took on volunteer work, according to Daily Star. The Daily Star Sunday caught Zayna greeting one of her clients around the back of the store while her managers are on breaks or manning the till.