The legacy center for sex addiction recovery seattle
You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. This is the homepage of Staci Sprout. Staci is a licensed psychotherapist, author, publisher, and promoter of high candor stories of overcoming adversity. Where to start on the educational path to recovery? Don't worry about reading everything at once, just see what attracts you on this list and get started expanding your library and your knowledge at your own pace!
Feel free to explain your need and to ask about our treatment programs and facilities. We're also happy to talk about payment and insurance. Your email will go straight to the treatment center. Please keep it fairly short i. A confirmation copy will be emailed to you.
Sex addicts often find themselves having compulsive thoughts about sex and excessively engaging in behaviors like phone sex, cybersex, or pornography. Individuals struggling with sex addiction will usually find only slight or limited satisfaction in their sexual activities and develop little or no real attachment to their sex partners. As a result, sex addicts often are bombarded by feelings of guilt, shame, and poor self-esteem.
Do you play video games on the Internet in excess? Are you compulsively shopping online? Is your excessive computer use interfering with your daily life — relationships, work, school? Ivan Goldberg, MD who compared its original model to pathological gambling.