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It was a humid mid-May afternoon, so naturally, we were all overheating. Before I continue, let me establish a few things about my male friend. The male best friend that I am referencing is not some misogynistic, sexist, sociopath. D for the rest of this piece. Continuing with my story, on that sunny afternoon due to the discomforting heat, my friend took off her cardigan, revealing her arms with hair on them. This comment struck me for a few different reasons which I further unpacked after the initial shock, revealing quite a few hairy truths about the role hair plays in traditional gender roles and many of our insecurities.
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17 Things To Help Solve All Your Hairy Girl Problems

Thick hair is a blessing when it's on your head, but can be a chore if you want to remove it from your body. We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.
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A Narrative on Coming to Terms with my Hairy Reality

W omen, throw down your razors: Januhairy is here. This month-long body-hair amnesty is the new Veganuary. Which is the new Dry January. And even Brexit got one of those.
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When I was a child my thick hair was a stunner. As the daughter of a dark Latin man and a blonde Eastern European woman, I hit the genetic jackpot and was blessed with a head full of brown springy curls, regularly collecting compliments from adult women who lamented their thinner locks. Then I entered the double digits and my pending preteen puberty hit me like a ton of bricks.
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