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The following information must appear on each postage statement register: The mailer must submit the postage statement register to the DMU before or when presenting the first individual mailing on the register to the DMU for verification and dispatch. The consolidated postage statement assembles data from the individual postage statements representing permit imprint mailings verified, paid for, and released for dispatch on a single day from a job or mailing cycle. The consolidated postage statement must be a computer-generated facsimile similar in format to the appropriate USPS postage statement. The nama pemain drakor dating agency cyrano must sign and date the consolidated statement. The following information must be identical for each individual statement consolidated onto a single consolidated postage statement: Each field on the consolidated postage statement represents the sum of the figures in that field from the individual postage statements. The figures reported on the consolidated statement must be rounded in accordance with All fields containing data on the individual statements must be rolled up to the consolidated statement. AmazonBasics Electronics Tool Kit.
The ancient roots of this concept demonstrate that while body language itself is a recently defined system of analysis, the notion of inferring human nature or character from facial expression is extremely old. The word kinesics was first used in English in this sense in the s, deriving from the Greek word kinesis, meaning motion, and seems to have first been used by Dr Ray Birdwhistell, an American s researcher and writer on body language. The introduction of a new technical word - in this case, kinesics - generally comes after the establishment of the subject it describes, which supports the assertion that the modern concept of body language - encompassing facial expressions and personal space - did not exist until the s. The word was devised in the late s or early s by Edward Twitchell Hall, an American anthropologist. The word is Hall's adaptation of the word proximity, meaning closeness or nearness.
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