He is grumps at us more than he used to for seemingly no reason sometimes ok… most of the time. It could even be as simple as a urinary tract infection. Your old dog is not suddenly peeing on the floor because they are mad at you or out of spite. Spanking is not going to solve the issue it actually never does, but I digress. I get it.
What Should I Do When My Old Dog Starts Peeing in the House?
We have two male Shih Tzus. One is 5 years Kili , the other 4 years Buddy. Buddy will pee in the house even if we have just witnessed him peeing outside. Every carpet in my house has been ruined and some of the antiques, also which he has peed on. He has access to the outdoors at all times through a doggy door.
Thank you so much, my dog just did this. Reading this has taken my anger away and helped me understand. I'm trying to create a great relationship with my little dog so our family and I can have years of enjoyment with her. I will explain this concept to my family which will help them better understand her too.
This indicates a disturbance, not only for you, but also for the dog. It is not normal for a dog to urinate in his own bed, even as a puppy. The cause is probably not marking, submissive urination, or lack of house training, but a deeper problem, potentially medical.