In fact, the question alone brings up feelings of internal shame and embarrassment. Is there something wrong with me? One thing that stood out right away is this important warning: Erotic choking is dangerous no matter your level of engagement or expertise. There is always a lethal risk. This type of activity is recognized as high-risk even for experienced individuals.
This Kinky Sex Act Kills Hundreds Of Men Every Year
Urban Dictionary: Autoerotic Asphyxiation
Image via Flickr Commons. Erotic asphyxiation, or EA, is a sexual act that involves suffocation. You probably know that already. How to get to that point is up to the individual.
Erotic Asphyxiation: The Widespread and Potentially Fatal Fetish That Nobody Will Talk About
Actor David Carradine was found dead in in a Thai hotel room with a shoelace tied around his neck and genitals. Nobody can ever know for sure, but it's rumored both men died while performing the kinky self-love sex act called autoerotic asphyxiation. Now in the latest news on the death of Chris Cornell , lead singer of Soundgarden and Audioslave, some are wondering if his suicide by hanging may actually have been yet another tragic incidence of auto erotic asphyxiation gone terribly wrong. While we've never tried autoerotic asphyxiation — and can honestly say we never will — we were curious to learn more about it. Here are 5 facts we uncovered about this extremely dangerous form of BDSM edge play:.
Choking, when used in a BDSM context, is an element of the activity known as breath control. The practice involves restriction of the breath and blood supply to the brain by applying pressure to the blood-rich carotid arteries. Most commonly, choking is done with bare hands, a forearm to the throat, known as a choke hold, or with a prop such as a scarf or length of rope. It may cause severe and permanent damage to the carotid arteries and larynx.