Very Young Chubby Teen Fat Girls
Whoever said the hardest part about being a chubby person is learning to love and accept your own body, and making peace with the way you look instead of warring against it, was so goddamn wrong. I am a chubby girl, and I absolutely love myself. I have no qualms about my thunder thighs or my fluffy cheeks. Image credit: Balaji Telefilms. I do enjoy the challenge of finding new ways to lose weight, and there are days on which I wish my waist was a little tinier or my jawline more structured read: visible , but those are absolutely normal thoughts!
It’s ‘hot chubby girl summer’ and I refuse to cover up my body
Rafe Spall: ‘Men pretend Me Too is confusing, but it’s really easy to not grope anyone’
Fat Girl Syndrome. A variant of Ugly Duck Syndrome. The girl was fat as a child, causing them to to be starved of male attention. When they grew up, they lost the weight- thus becoming hot. As adults, they either become super sluts- even sluttier than normal sluts in order to compensate for their lack of male attention when they were younger; or they display shy behavior with a great personality.
Rafe Spall: ‘Men pretend Me Too is confusing, but it’s really easy to not grope anyone’
Growing up, I was constantly caught in limbo. My weight was just another contradiction to my being. I was chubby — not fat enough to be able to complain with the other overweight girls, and definitely not skinny enough to do the same with the thin ones. But I do wish we could clear up a few things about being chubby, starting with the definition itself.
There was no Torrid. There was no Lizzo telling you to love your body. Ever since I was a little girl, I felt different. I was at a school surrounded by wealthy white kids. I was kind of a mystery.
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