Dodson Orgasm Circle
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Dodson orgasm circle
Too sexy for her rocker |
Skip navigation! Story from Sex. This article was originally published on June 27, Are you satisfied with your sex life? As a sex-positive, intersectional feminist and sexologist, I hate hearing that people aren't having great sex or aren't experiencing enough full-bodied pleasure in the act. We deserve to have regular orgasms. Although many of us are still learning, debating, and practicing the best part , what's essential is understanding that we are all capable of experiencing orgasm in a variety of different ways.
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Having multiple orgasms may be easy for some. For others, you may need some work to get there. Just remember that it's not about the number of orgasms you have per sexual encounter. It's about getting the most pleasure out of your experience.
Bodysex is a practice designed by Betty Dodson that supports women to connect to their bodies and orgasm to heal shame, enhance pleasure, and encourage self-love. Bodysex is a process designed by Betty Dodson to help women better understand their bodies and sexuality. There is no failure.
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