Sony April Fools Joke
April is about making people laugh, but also about your brand exposure, sharing your content and generating backlinks. Additionally, you can get some media coverage, depending on the nature of your business and your hoax. Be funny, but also helpful and innovative. Or you may have been interested in purchasing Goggles released by the Guardian to see reality from a conservative or liberal standpoint? But there are even more innovative, pranky ideas.
Episode 260 - A Flaming Kielbasa
Use 1 April to your ecommerce advantage
April Fools' Day is dreaded by journalists everywhere, and it has arrived once again to force us to navigate a veritable minefield laden with corporation-endorsed jokes and pranks, all for the fear-induced promise that one legitimate announcement we can't afford to miss will hide in its midst. We accept our fate year over year; rather than wallow in our despair, we've sorted through the slew of video game jokes and pokes to find the best, and worst, on offer in Even though is objectively a perfect year going into its fourth month, with no flaws or tragedies of any kind if you've done nothing but play Animal Crossing this entire time , we still feel we deserve a day on which we can laugh at everything and anything we see. Set aside the best Xbox games — no one is playing video games today. Instead, take a walk with us through Twitter, and beyond, in search of the tolerable, the almost-amusing, and the downright frustrating.
E3 2022 100% cancelled – and that’s not an April Fool’s joke
By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. April Fools was canceled last year, for better or worse. But companies are going all-in this year, with gag products and sarcastic videos that should put a smile on your face. Here are the best April Fools jokes of —or, more accurately, all the jokes that we could stomach.
Tomorrow is April 1, a day when brands have too much fun and your most annoying friend tries too hard to be funny. To these pranksters, we say: Have fun, but stay the hell away from our food. Yes, I know some of you are going to say I should learn to take a joke, but some pranks are just an insult to the joy of food. Pouring out the sugar in a container and swapping in salt is not only a waste of the two best ingredients in your pantry, but it also wastes whatever food the imposter seasoning is sprinkled onto.
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