Documentary of erotic cartoons from early 1900s

Monday, April 25, 2022
A numbers game, their business model required only one movie in a dozen to hit big at the box office, thereby ensuring Cannon the solvency to wheel and deal its way onto the next raft of schlock. In retrospect, could Masters of the Universe have saved Cannon or, indeed, even been a presentable film? And, here, it should be noted that, if entertainment were an intellectual and physical meritocracy, the highly educated, Olympic-level martial artist and athlete would be a shoo-in. However, the year-old Lundgren was not fluent in English and only escaped the indignity of being dubbed because Cannon ran out of money.
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Documentary of erotic cartoons from early s

July 13, Ratings and comments by David Sterritt and Monitor staff Staff comments reflect the sometimes diverse views of at least three other moviegoers. Director: Josef von Sternberg. First released in , this great masterpiece of German film is evocative and inventive from its first shot to its last, with brilliant use of sound and astonishing performances from two of Europe's most gifted stars. Dietrich's acting here is what made her a motion-picture legend. In German with English subtitles. Director: Larry Clark.
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Psychedelic Cartoons: Through the Decades

Generations grew up on Saturday morning cartoons and Disney classics, but the world of animation is maturing towards older audiences — giving rise to open psychedelic imagery and discussion. Though the current psychedelic renaissance allows shows like Rick and Morty or The Midnight Gospel to freely invite audiences along on the hallucinatory trip, cartoons throughout history have leaned on psychedelics experiences as inspiration. Defining what is psychedelic and what is not is a subjective decision, but mind-expanding and visually stimulating experiences appear across decades of cartoons and continue to impact current psychedelic animation.
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