Welcome to our sexuality test! We are super excited to help you figure out or confirm your sexuality. Important note: This test is based on a range of answers configured to get the closest possible match. We recommend taking this test then checking out our lists of A-Z Sexuality List to read and educate yourself on other sexuality labels. What you're describing to us sounds like you identify as a Lesbian. Definition: A homosexual woman whose emotional, romantic and sexual feelings are towards women.
Bisexuality Test: Are You Bisexual?
Gay lesbian bisexual quiz. Porn trends image.
Scientists define sexuality as a spectrum that covers a wide range of sexual preferences and identities that can evolve over time. Many people don't even find their true sexuality until they are in their 30s! Do you wonder if you're straight, bi or gay on the spectrum? Take the test and find out! To see how other people scored on this test, please follow our Facebook Page.
The Facts: LGBT Anti-Discrimination Quiz
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What percentage of LGBT people say they experience discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity? Discrimination routinely affects the ability of LGBT people to find and keep a job, find a good home, and be active in their communities. True or False: Federal law protects gay and transgender individuals from all forms of discrimination.
2 years ago
A very useful thing, thank you very much!
2 years ago
Cool words
2 years ago
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2 years ago
Bravo, the brilliant idea
2 years ago
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
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