Just when you might have thought that I had run out of recommendations from Miss Cleo, I go and prove you wrong. As time goes on, the two grow together, yadda yadda yadda. Filling in some blanks, though, the father here is a musician whose career is on the ropes and whose band is verging on breaking up when we meet him. As much as this sounds incredibly familiar, the film actually has some personal roots. And there is certainly some genuine sweetness and heart in the script, having the two leads gradually connect with each other in slightly awkward and tentative manners.
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Sex in Afrikaans cast
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Miss Cleo’s Picks
Sex in Afrikaans fearlessly examines sex and sexuality in the Afrikaans community, breaking barriers and having frank conversations about topics that are usually shrouded in shame. None of this would be possible without the brave participation of the panellists and professionals who appear in the show and share their experiences. Here are some of the cast of Sex in Afrikaans who made an impression. Clinical psychologist Bradley has a rich tapestry of experience in psychology, coaching, human resources, marketing and media. Erika and Kobus have been together since and married for 15 years.
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2 years ago
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